My Personal Experience with Wai Koa by Gaby

My Personal Experience with Wai Koa by Gaby

Gaby is a participant of our Wai Koa program who graciously shared this testimony with us as a speech during our second annual Live Water Luau this past May. We were so moved by Gabby’s experience, and wanted to share it with you all! Thank you for reading. I’m...
Junior Wai Koa 2022 Recap

Junior Wai Koa 2022 Recap

Labor Day weekend is here, which officially means that summer — and our programmatic season — is coming to an end. Since the summer closing also means  “back to school,” it seems fitting that as we relax this holiday weekend, we’re particularly reflective on the time...
A Look at our 2022 Programs

A Look at our 2022 Programs

Our favorite time of year has officially arrived! The warm weather and longer hours of sunshine are always a welcomed treat, but they’re extra special because they mark the beginning of our programmatic season. We’ve got a couple (exciting) additions and new followers...