If dreary winter weather, short days, and longer nights aren’t already reason enough to look forward to spring, we’ve got something else on the horizon — and it’s major. Our first ever Live Water Luau is taking place May 6th, and we could not be more excited!

Get ready, because it’s going to be a night to be remembered. We’re making preparations to bring you the best of the best, from authentic Hawaiian cuisine and entertainment, to casino games, gift giveaways — all to be enjoyed at the Historic Charles Carroll House (and its stunning view of Spa Creek). We even planned an after party at downtown’s favorite bar for late night dancing, thanks to the generous contribution of one of our longtime supporters, Dock Street Bar & Grill.

Make sure to set a reminder for Tuesday, March 1st when tickets will go on sale! In addition to admission, your ticket includes food, an open bar, and $10,000 in playing chips for a variety of casino games, including blackjack, poker, & more.
We see this event as a fresh new concept for Annapolis’ residents, business owners, entrepreneurs, community leaders (both current and future) to come together and inspire synergistic, collaborative progress and action.
The idea of making the event a luau came from Live Water Foundation Co-Founder & President Brian Meyer’s experience of living in Hawaii while attending the University of Hawaii at Manoa. Because Native Hawaiian society stretches back thousands of years before it was made a state, much of their culture remains the same. They believe in the “Aloha Spirit”, which is the ideology that upholds mutual regard and affection for each person in the collective existence. It applies to every interaction, and informs all of their customs and traditions, including the luau.
Our personal mission — to Inspire and Empower the people and organizations we work with by facilitating watersports programs that improve the health, wellness, and environment of our communities — is rooted in a belief system that aligns with the Aloha Spirit in that it is centered in togetherness. We have seen a kindred sentiment echoed by many of our neighbors, which is to help create a holistically beneficial and forward-thinking community. In short, the Live Water Luau will encourage similarly minded folks to grow their network in an atmosphere that is both genuinely fun as well as collectively oriented.

Speaking of community, we are so grateful for the many local businesses that have signed on to sponsor, and hope to connect with even more. We’d like to add a special shout out to our title sponsors, Erica Baker Realtor & the Proffitt Brothers Foundation, a charitable arm of Spartan Medical. We look forward to sharing their stories with our followers, and highlighting the many small businesses who have signed on to help us bring this event into realization.
Thank you to: UPS, American Gas Association, Wes Tower at Atlantic Prime Mortgage, Dock Street Bar & Grill, Even Health, Annapolis E-Foils, Absolute Fire Protection, Crest Wealth Advisors, Bay Paddle, Cecil Cummins at Hyatt Commercial, Throwing Star Collective, Living Life Everyday, Local Coast, Matt Miller at AnnieMac Home Mortgage, ABC Events, CheSUPeake, and Bay Hunters Charter Fishing.

For more information about sponsorship opportunities, please visit this link. Some benefits include: exclusive Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn posts to announce your sponsorship, a blog article announcing your sponsorship and highlighting your company on our website, custom signage at the after-party, and recognition in our post-event “Thank You” press release (in addition to casino game chips!).
Here’s what our title sponsors are saying:
“Six years ago, I had the privilege of personally experiencing the very mission LWF is bringing to our communities today. Before they established LWF I was one of I’m sure many whose lives were changed by the crew at Capital Sup and sharing their love for the water. Our community’s health, wellness and environment matter and I’m so proud of the team at LWF. As a local Realtor, friend and just someone who is passionate about our communities, I couldn’t be more honored to support their mission as a title sponsor and will continue to help in any way I can.”
–Erica Baker, Realtor
“Spartan Medical is a veteran-owned business that was started to improve patient care and outcomes for veterans. We hire veterans and support many veteran causes primarily through the Proffitt Brothers Foundation, which is the company’s charitable arm. LWF mission and unique programs resonated with us, because they align with our goals and values. We believe that our sponsorship will not only benefit LWF but will also help increase awareness for our shared philosophy of ‘veterans first’.”
–Proffitt Brother’s Foundation